Microfluidics, Microfluidizer model M-610-75, 316 stainless steel construction, rated 6 GPM at 10,000 PSI operational capacity, mounted in stainless steel enclosure with 75 HP 460 volt XP Class I Group D motor
Microfluidics, Microfluidizer model M-610-75, 316 stainless steel construction, rated 6 GPM at 10,000 PSI operational capacity, mounted in stainless steel enclosure with 75 HP 460 volt XP Class I Group D motor
400 gallon Lee, Fully Jacketed Cooking Tank model 600 pound FBT, fully jacketed body with Lee unicoil jacket, 52″ diameter x 48″ straight side, National Board rated (#1804) 100 PSI at 3...
50 gallon Pfaudler, Percolation Tank, open top, jacketed, vertical, 316 stainless steel vessel with carbon steel jacket, National Board rated (#37879 V&W stamp 1977) for 90 PSI at 350 degree F,...
300 gallon Jacketed Mixing Tank, 316L stainless steel sanitary, dish top & bottom, 46″ ID x 44″ straight side, jacketed sidewalls with insulated body & shroud in polished stainl...
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