Thermotech, Heat Exchanger model 430462.25/2.75, 316L stainless steel construction, rated 100 PSI at 300 degree F, 33″ long tube bundle
Thermotech, Heat Exchanger model 430462.25/2.75, 316L stainless steel construction, rated 100 PSI at 300 degree F, 33″ long tube bundle
Thermotech, Heat Exchanger model 430462.25/2.75, 316L stainless steel construction, rated 100 PSI at 300 degree F, 33″ long tube bundle
...Pfaudler, Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger, 600 square foot of transfer area, (680) 3/4″ diameter stainless steel tubes x 4.5′ long in 28″ diameter single pass carbon steel shell,...
APV, Skid Mounted Hot Water Make Up System, consisting of Bell & Gossett model SU146-2 shell & tube heat exchanger (S/N 88P80768-01), Worthington 15 HP 3500 RPM circulation pump, Fischer ...
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