T.D. Sawvel Model 702-01, Stainless Steel Bottom-Up Volumetric Filler, capable of 3 gallon – 5 gallon straight wall containers up to 4,000 gallons per hour.
T.D. Sawvel Model 702-01, Stainless Steel Bottom-Up Volumetric Filler, capable of 3 gallon – 5 gallon straight wall containers up to 4,000 gallons per hour.
Can Filler, 12 valve, 3″ valves, complete with 3/4 HP 1725 RPM 115/230 volt single phase motor thru gear box reducer, less hopper
...All Fill, Auger Filler model B100, all stainless steel contact surfaces, 16 gallon hopper with dust tight cover & 6″ inlet, equipped for internal hopper agitator, post mounted from facto...
All Fill, Semi Automatic Filler model B, auger type, dry materials, post mounting for bench or table location, single auger with agitated 16 gallon hopper, new controls & electrical system for...
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