Sanimatic, Large Parts Basket model URWB-7, for COP tank, stainless steel, 22″ long x 22″ wide x 18″ deep, 28″ overall height with handles
Sanimatic, Large Parts Basket model URWB-7, for COP tank, stainless steel, 22″ long x 22″ wide x 18″ deep, 28″ overall height with handles
COP Vat, 24″ x 16″ x 60″, 3 HP pump.See Comments:
...200 gallon capacity Bcast Stainless Products, 8′ Jet Wash COP Tank, stainless steel, exterior distribution manifold, new 5 HP circulating pump, 96.5″ long x 24″ wide x 22″ d...
Sanimatic, Cabinet Washer model Tacticab, all stainless steel, washing chamber 44″ long x 35″ deep x 34″ high with rotating spray bars, stainless steel nozzles, electric immersion...
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