Powder Surge Tank, stainless steel cone, 18.5″ diameter with 10″ straight side, 12″ ID top opening, 10″ ID discharge opening with a manually operated butterfly valve, air actuated vibrator, 4 mount pads for suspension
Powder Surge Tank, stainless steel cone, 18.5″ diameter with 10″ straight side, 12″ ID top opening, 10″ ID discharge opening with a manually operated butterfly valve, air actuated vibrator, 4 mount pads for suspension
10 gallon Evaporator/Still, all stainless steel contacts, system consist of (1) 10 gallon vessel 11″ diameter x 21″ straight side with 6″ jacket feeding smaller vessel 12″ d...
Blaw Knox, Industrial Vapor Liquid Separator, stainless steel, shell rated for vacuum at 400 degree F, vapor liquid separator 50″ straight side, 18″ cone, 22″ diameter, separator ...
APV 1 effect Finisher Evaporator. 2,050 pounds per hour, Type P-E. It employs a forced circulation rising falling film principle of evaporation. This unit includes the evaporator frame with 16 each...
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