APV Crepaco Model 6″ x 60″ Votator, Stainless Steel Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger, 2.5″ inlet and outlet, jacket national board rated at 150 PSI @ 100 degrees F, -20 degrees F @ 150 PSI, 7.5 HP direct drive, 230/460 volt
APV Crepaco Model 6″ x 60″ Votator, Stainless Steel Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger, 2.5″ inlet and outlet, jacket national board rated at 150 PSI @ 100 degrees F, -20 degrees F @ 150 PSI, 7.5 HP direct drive, 230/460 volt
Chemetron, Votator model M41F, 4″ x 48″, stainless steel rotor with nickel barrel, unit is single barrel, unitized on frame with stainless steel cabinet cover, complete last run on ammo...
Cherry Burrell, Thermutator model 624DE, 6″ diameter x 24″ barrel, scraped surface heat exchanger, designed for 400 PSI internal at 400 degree, 200 PSI jacket at 400 degree, complete wi...
Girdler, Votator model FV183A, scraped surface heat exchanger, 3 barrel unit 6″ x 48″, stainless steel chrome plated barrels, unit set up for direct expansion ammonia, Votator equipped ...
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