6′ Stainless Steel Wash Sink With Stainless Steel Backsplash, dimensions 72″ l x 16″ w x 10″ deep
6′ Stainless Steel Wash Sink With Stainless Steel Backsplash, dimensions 72″ l x 16″ w x 10″ deep
Kuhl, Tray Washer & Drying System model CFW600 H1PB1500, washing section belt 12″ wide x 8′ long with 6 vertical mounted spray bars with 6 nozzles/bars on each side of belt, drying...
Cozzoli, Vial Dryer, 10 station with hood, exhaust ducts, cleaning air manifold with flow control valves, 1/4 HP GE drive, 115/230/single phase, variable speed, Herbert Products static eliminator m...
Manual Tec, Can Washer, all stainless steel, 5′ 10″ long x 2′ 2″ wide x 2′ deep x 2′ 6″ high, tank 56″ long x 19″ wide x 24″ deep, 1/2 HP...
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