10 gallon Jacketed Laboratory Kettle, stainless steel contact, 90 PSI rated, 2″ NPT bottom outlet, stainless steel top cover
10 gallon Jacketed Laboratory Kettle, stainless steel contact, 90 PSI rated, 2″ NPT bottom outlet, stainless steel top cover
400 gallon Lee, Jacketed Kettle, 58″ diameter x 47″ deep, stainless steel construction with stainless steel jacket rated 40 PSI at 290 degree F, ASME code stamped, open top, 4″ ce...
40 quart Groen, Kettle model TDB/4-40, National Board #71341, stainless steel, 50 PSI jacket, self contained electric fired, tilt type, 280 volt 60 cycle 3 phase, needs work on the controls.
...100 gallon Lee, Tilting Kettle model 100CWD, stainless steel sanitary, 36″ diameter x 30″ deep, trunion mounted kettle in painted A-frame stand on casters with water activated tilting c...
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