Tank Vacuum
Showing 1–25 of 36 results
1,000 gallon insulated pressure tank
1,000 gallon Feldmeier, insulated pressure tank, multiple top inlets, 3″ outlet, 72″ diameter x 138″ high, rated at 60 PSI full vacuum
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1,400 gallon Pressure Tank
1,400 gallon Pressure Tank, vertical, closed top, 60″ diameter x 10′ straight side with dished heads, 15 PSI at 400 degree F, 20″ side bottom manway with 3″ cover outlet fla...
100 gallon DeLaval Vacuum Tank
100 gallon DeLaval, stainless steel vacuum tank, 24″ diameter x 55″ straight side x 77″ tall on stainless steel swivel stand, 3″ clamp outlet, 3″ tangential inlet, ope...
100 gallon DeLaval Vacuum Tank model 650
100 gallon DeLaval, Vacuum Tank model 650, stainless steel, 24″ diameter x 55″ straight side x 77″ high on stainless steel swivel stand, 3″ clamp outlet, 3″ tangential...
110 gallon Feldmeier Vacuum Tank
110 gallon Feldmeier, Vacuum Tank, vertical cylindrical, domed top, dish bottom, 4 BW outlet, sight glass, thermowell, inside 24″ diameter x 60″ high, 107″ high overall
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120 gallon ACME Ind., Jacketed Tank
120 approximate gallon ACME Ind., Jacketed Tank, vertical, stainless steel, jacket lower half, tank flanged in middle, shell rated FV, jacket rated 15 PSI at 250 degree F, 4 stainless steel legs, n...
120 gallon Vacuum Tank
120 gallon Vacuum Tank, vertical cylindrical, domed top, cone bottom, 3″ tri clamp outlet, 81″ overall height, internal 23″ diameter x 66″ high
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125 gallon Sanitary Vacuum Tank
125 gallon Feldmeier, sanitary vacuum tank, 316 stainless steel. Measures 24″ diameter x 52″ straight side, with dished top and bottom, 8″ manhole, top inlets: (2) 1″, (2) 4...
145 gallon 316 Stainless Tank
145 gallon JV Northwest, 316 stainless steel tank, Unit measures 36″ diameter x 28″ straight side with dome top and dish bottom. Unit is Teflon lined, has site tube, is rated for 35 PSI...
150 gallon APV, Vacuum Tank
150 gallon APV, Vacuum Tank, vertical orientation, cylindrical shape, 3″ tri clamp outlet, dome top, dish bottom, stainless steel exterior, 36″ diameter x 36″ high, overall dimens...
150 gallon vacuum processing tank
150 gallon Lee Industries, stainless steel vacuum processing tank model 150DBT7S, 35″ Diameter x 32″ straight side walls, with dish bottom. MAWP 15 PSI @ 250*F MDMT -20 degrees @15 PSI....
17 gallon Tolan, Jacketed Pressure Tank
17 gallon Tolan, Jacketed Pressure Tank, removable bolt down cover with dish bottom, 1″ outlet, stainless steel legs with pad feet, rated for full vacuum, jacket on side & bottom rated 20...
190 gallon Dairy Craft, Portable Vacuum Tank, 316L stainless
190 gallon Dairy Craft, Portable Vacuum Tank, 316L stainless steel, vertical, 720 liter, 42″ diameter x 26″ T/T, rated 25 PSI/full vacuum at 300 degree F, 1.5″ CBO, 18″ spri...
190 gallon Dairy Craft, Portable Vacuum Tank, 316L stainless
190 gallon Feldmeier, Portable Vacuum Tank, 316L stainless steel, vertical, 720 liter, 42″ diameter x 26″ T/T, rated 40 PSI/full vacuum at 300 degree F, 1.5″ CBO, 18″ spring...
2,000 gallon Aseptic Tank
2,000 gallon Precision, Aseptic Surge Tank Model V6575N, dome top with manway, dish bottom, 316 stainless steel interior, 304 stainless steel exterior, Lightning mixer, 1 HP, 280 RPM with 2- 20R...
2,500 gallon horizontal pressure wall pressure tank
2,500 gallon Inox, all stainless steel horizontal pressure wall pressure tank, front bolt on manway, 2 sprayballs, 3″ outlet, thermowell, vessel rated at 50 PSI full vacuum, ...
20 gallon Vendome Copper & Brass Works, Mash Pre-Cooker
20 gallon Vendome Copper & Brass Works, Mash Pre-Cooker, vertical, shell 16″ diameter with 26″ straight side, 62″ overall height including legs, 304 stainless steel, shell ra...
20 gallon Vendome Copper & Brass Works, Mash Pre-Cooker
20 gallon Vendome Copper & Brass Works, Mash Pre-Cooker, vertical, shell 16″ diameter x 26″ straight side height, 62″ overall height including legs, constructed of 304 stainl...
203.5 gallon, 316L Insulated Pressure Tank
203.5 gallon T&C Stainless (770 Liter), 316L Stainless Steel Dome Top, Dish Bottom, Insulated Pressure Tank, top manway, sprayball, vessel rated 60 PSI, full vacuum, multiple inlets, 2″ o...
220 gallon Vacuum Pressure Tank
220 gallon Vacuum Pressure Tank, stainless steel, vertical cylindrical, dome top with manway, dish bottom, rated 68 PSI internal pressure at 280 degree C insulated sidewall only, double sprayball, ...
3,000 gallon Vertical Full Vacuum Tank
3,000 gallon Feldmeier, vertical jacketed full vacuum tank, 304 stainless steel, 3 zone jacketed, 3 zone jacketed vessel, measures 84″ diameter x 120″ high, dome top, dish bottom. Inclu...
300 Liter 316L Insulated Pressure Tank
300 Liter (80 gallon) Precision Stainless, 316L Stainless Steel Dome Top, Dish Bottom, Insulated Pressure Tank, rated 50 PSI, full vacuum, sight glass, stainless steel legs with casters. Sprayball,...
300 Liter 316L Insulated Pressure Tank
300 Liter (80 gallon) 316L Precision Stainless, Stainless Steel Dome Top, Dish Bottom, Single Shell Pressure Tank, top pressure manway, rated 50 PSI, full vacuum, sight glass, stainless legs with c...
350 gallon Stainless Vacuum Tank
350 gallon Cherry Burrell, Stainless Steel Vertical Vacuum Flavor Tank rated for 60 PSI @ 300 degrees F internal, includes (2) CIP spray balls. 42″ diameter X 56″ straight side with dis...
450 gallon Kusel, Vacuum Tank
450 gallon Kusel, Vacuum Tank, 54″ diameter 48″ deep x 94″ high, on 4 stainless steel legs, 17″ round manhole, 3″ tangential inlet, 6″ top vacuum port, 2 glass s...
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