Westfalia, Warm Milk Separator model MM9004, stainless steel, capacity of 20,000 pounds/hour, 68″ high x 37″ long x 30″ wide
Westfalia, Warm Milk Separator model MM9004, stainless steel, capacity of 20,000 pounds/hour, 68″ high x 37″ long x 30″ wide
Separator Disc Wash Tank, all stainless steel, round, vertical, with hinged cover, 26″ diameter x 26″ deep x 56″ high on stainless steel square legs with platform, center & s...
Alfa Laval, Separator model MAB204S2460, stainless steel bowl, aluminum cover, 5 HP 230/460 volt motor
...DeLaval, Solid Wall Oil Separator model MAB102B2560, set up as a 3 way separator for lubricating motor oil, stainless steel bowl, carbon steel top cover, equipped with a 1/2 HP directly connected c...
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