Waukesha Cherry Burrell, 3 HP Positive Displacement Pump model 060, stainless steel, mounted on stainless steel base with casters, 2.5″ tri clamp connections, direct drive, 121 output RPM, 208-230/460 volt
Waukesha Cherry Burrell, 3 HP Positive Displacement Pump model 060, stainless steel, mounted on stainless steel base with casters, 2.5″ tri clamp connections, direct drive, 121 output RPM, 208-230/460 volt
Waukesha, 20 HP Positive Displacement Pump size 125, 460 volt 3 phase TEFC motor on a heavy steel base with stainless steel belt guard previously used in soap production
...Crepaco, .75 HP Positive Displacement Pump, 1.75″ inlet & outlet
...APV, 20 HP Positive Displacement Pump model 7000, 9.25″ x 6.75″ rectangular inlet, 4″ sanitary outlet, stainless steel housing with rubberized lobes, pump up to 200 GPM, requires ...
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