Urschel model H Dicer

SKU: 85647p- Category:


Urschel model H Dicer, cube cutter, strip cutter, slicer, 3 dimensional, rated for products input sized up to 5.5″ in any dimension. Slice thickness: From 1/8″ (3.2mm) up to 3/4″ (19.1mm) knob adjustable. Circular knives from 1/8″ (19.1mm) up to 1.75″ (44.5mm) change part. By removing the crosscut knife spindle and or the circular knife spindle(s), the Urschel H can also cut strip cuts (two-dimensional cuts) such as for French fries, and slices (single dimensional cut).  Stainless steel product contact surfaces, including slice shell, impeller, cutting spindles and knives. LARGE PRODUCT shell & impeller assembly previously used for broccoli. All food grade stainless steel construction including spindle arms, guards, shrouds and tubular stainless steel frame. Factory control box with safety interlock system. Standard 2 HP drive motor. 208/230 volt 3 phase electrical input.