Tri Clover, Tri Blender model F2116-B10, 2.5 HP motor
Tri Clover, Tri Blender model F2116-B10, 2.5 HP motor
5 cubic foot Patterson Kelly, stainless steel Double Cone Blender, polished stainless steel shell for food grade service, rated 200 pounds per cubic foot product density, 30″ diameter x 32...
35 cubic foot working capacity Ribbon Mixer, heavy duty, polished 304 stainless steel contacts, 64″ long x 33″ wide x 36″ deep, 4mm shell thickness, stainless steel trough with mi...
40 cubic foot capacity Patterson Kelley, V Blender, maximum density 65 pounds per cubic foot, stainless steel product contact, 5 HP 220/440 volt 3 phase motor direct connected to a Foote Brothers p...
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