Stainless Steel Mozzarella cheese Extruder, Teflon coated body, dual 10″ augers, stainless steel gears, Molder, body is 48″ long x 24″ wide x 72″ overall length 5 HP motor on casters with hopper.
Stainless Steel Mozzarella cheese Extruder, Teflon coated body, dual 10″ augers, stainless steel gears, Molder, body is 48″ long x 24″ wide x 72″ overall length 5 HP motor on casters with hopper.
Cumberland, Pelletizer model 26, with milling type rotor, 27″ wide x 60 blades, designed to cut to length multiple extruder plastic strands, .125″ to .092″ diameter, up to 10,000 ...
Christian Engineering, Extruder Mixer, twin screw, stainless steel, 12″ diameter x 5′ 6″ long screws, jacketed mixing section 4′ 6″ long, screws driven with 7.5 HP 220...
Butcher Boy, Meat Grinder model BB-56, stainless steel, complete with 7.5 HP drive, stainless steel chamber, stainless steel contact parts, die plate on outside of chamber is carbon steel, unitized...
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