Flume/Wash Tank, stainless steel, 7′ x 10′ 6 x 27″ deep, stainless steel serpentine flow with internal dividers 4″ x 3″, G&L centrifugal recirculation pump 3 HP 1745 RPM motor
Flume/Wash Tank, stainless steel, 7′ x 10′ 6 x 27″ deep, stainless steel serpentine flow with internal dividers 4″ x 3″, G&L centrifugal recirculation pump 3 HP 1745 RPM motor
Girton, Wash Tank, stainless steel, slanted drain board, 3″ clamp outlet, stainless steel legs with casters, 80″ length x 24″ width x 20″ deep inside diameter, overall dimen...
Universal Stainless Inc., Single Compartment Hand Wash Sink with faucet, stainless steel, hot & cold handles, 16″ x 14″ x 8″ deep.
...Continental, Case Washer model LHA10R, mild steel 10′ left hand, 60 gallon wash, 70 gallon rinse capacity, 41″ wide x 44″ high x 11′ OAL
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