Rodney Hunt, Turba Film Evaporator, 30 square feet surface area, rated for 35 PSI at 300 degree F, jacketed section 60″ long, less drive
Rodney Hunt, Turba Film Evaporator, 30 square feet surface area, rated for 35 PSI at 300 degree F, jacketed section 60″ long, less drive
Enterprise Mfg. Lab Evaporator, Model J1596-9-84, all stainless steel, single effect evaporator, Jacketed with scrape surface agitator, with condenser, Waukesha removal pump with 3/4 Hp. Vari-drive...
Mueller, Pure Steam Generator model PSG-P7140, all pharmaceutical grade 316L stainless steel contacts, rated for capacity of 1500 pounds/hour at 45 PSI with 120 PSI steam supply, shell & tube ...
Roots, Blower System, used for Mechanical Vapor Recompression on Evaporator, 700 HP motor with Foot-Jones constant oil gear box model HLH5, mounted on a 126″ long x 72″ wide with 96R...
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