Resina, Capper model S20, single chuck screw capper, currently set 43mm screw on cap, 40 to 60 caps per minute, 4.5″ stainless steel table top conveyor for infeed & outfeed, requires 115 volt supply
Resina, Capper model S20, single chuck screw capper, currently set 43mm screw on cap, 40 to 60 caps per minute, 4.5″ stainless steel table top conveyor for infeed & outfeed, requires 115 volt supply
Resina, Capper model LC89SPEC, set for 58 millimeter cap on 2″ bottles, complete with infeed & discharge conveyor, 2-1/4″ wide x 70″ long with cap feed, start & stop con...
Kalish, Semi Automatic Plugger model K92, all stainless steel construction, continuous or impulse motion of 1-7/8 diameter nylon plugging head, 110 volt, single phase, variable speed, adjustable he...
Single Station Semi Automatic Capper, 2″ wide x 3′ long table top chain infeed conveyor with timing screw to 12 pocket intermittent motion central star wheel with capping station (chuck...
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