Powder Surge Tank, stainless steel cone, 18.5″ diameter with 10″ straight side, 12″ ID top opening, 10″ ID discharge opening with a manually operated butterfly valve, air actuated vibrator, 4 mount pads for suspension
Powder Surge Tank, stainless steel cone, 18.5″ diameter with 10″ straight side, 12″ ID top opening, 10″ ID discharge opening with a manually operated butterfly valve, air actuated vibrator, 4 mount pads for suspension
Finn-Aqua, Pure Steam Generator model 1500-H-1, utilizes falling film type evaporator, all stainless steel contacts, 1 vertical column 12″ diameter x 10′ high, approximately (75) 1/2...
Rodney Hunt Turba Film, Thin Film Evaporator, 97 square foot, 316 stainless steel construction, National Board #287, 150 PSI at 400 degree F jacket, 15 PSI at 400 degree F internally, cone positive...
Roots, Blower System, used for Mechanical Vapor Recompression on Evaporator, 700 HP motor with Foot-Jones constant oil gear box model HLH5, mounted on a 126″ long x 72″ wide with 96R...
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