Paul Mueller, Plate Heat Exchanger model AT161B-10, stainless steel, approximate 150 square foot, (23) 18″ wide x 54″ plates, part #9814361
Paul Mueller, Plate Heat Exchanger model AT161B-10, stainless steel, approximate 150 square foot, (23) 18″ wide x 54″ plates, part #9814361
Chester Jensen, Plate Heat Exchanger model HMC, stainless steel, can be engineered to meet specific duties, 2.5″ bevel seat ports, dual take up high pressure frame, size 55, 2.5″ clamp ...
Cherry Burrell, Thermaflex Plate Heat Exchanger model 217SB1, 27 style X 10.5″ x 36″ plates providing 4 square foot of heat exchange surface per plate, rated for high pressure operation...
Chester Jensen, Plate Heat Exchanger model HM, stainless steel, can be engineered to meet specific duties, 2.5″ bevel seat connections, single take up, size 55
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