Patterson Kelley, Twin Shell Dry Blender model 6223
Patterson Kelley, Twin Shell Dry Blender model 6223
New 400 cubic foot working capacity Double Ribbon Mixer, polished 304 stainless steel contacts, 146″ long x 74″ wide x 80″ deep, stainless steel trough with mirror interior finish...
New 250 cubic foot working capacity Double Ribbon Mixer, polished 304 stainless steel construction, mirror interior finish, 126″ long x 63″ wide x 68″ deep, 0.315″ thick, st...
40 cubic foot capacity Patterson Kelley, V Blender, maximum density 65 pounds per cubic foot, stainless steel product contact, 5 HP 220/440 volt 3 phase motor direct connected to a Foote Brothers p...
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