Millerbernd, all stainless steel Vacuum Chamber with 2 top mounted pressing cylinders hinged doors on both ends 125″ overall length x 48″ wide x 102″ high.
Millerbernd, all stainless steel Vacuum Chamber with 2 top mounted pressing cylinders hinged doors on both ends 125″ overall length x 48″ wide x 102″ high.
Belco, L Bar Sealer model STC2520, 19″ x 25″ seal area, 21″ wide x 36″ long x 8″ high tunnel, 240 volt, on wheels
...Iinauen Maschnen AG, Vacuum Packaging Machine model VC999/08, includes 30″ x 48″ heat sealing section, previously sealing 14 packages of meat per seal, rated for 6 bar & power char...
72226p-Italdibipack S.P.A., Semi Automatic L Seal Shrink Chamber Combination Sealer model 4255 CONF.TERM., approximate 16″ x 22″ L seal within see thru hinged shrink chamber 20″ x...
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