Manesty, 33 station Rotary Tablet Press model BB3A, 6.5 ton compression pressure, 7-1/6″ maximum tablet diameter, 11/16″ maximum depth of fill, rated for 1800 tablets/minute, 220/440 volt
Manesty, 33 station Rotary Tablet Press model BB3A, 6.5 ton compression pressure, 7-1/6″ maximum tablet diameter, 11/16″ maximum depth of fill, rated for 1800 tablets/minute, 220/440 volt
Manesty, 16 station Rotary Tablet Press model B3B, for B tooling with keyed upper punch turret, maximum pressure 6.5 tons/65KN, maximum tablet diameter 7/16″/11.1mm, maximum depth of fill 11/...
Teko Thomas, Spray Coating Solution Delivery Pump System model 11, Waukesha size 2 positive displacement pump, all stainless steel sanitary contact parts, 1″ Acme thread, vari speed pump with...
Global Packaging, Tablet Blister Packager, “Medipack Perfecta-I”, high speed, all stainless steel construction with polished pharmaceutical grade finish, 24″ diameter bulk hopper ...
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