M Latter, Shrink Tunnel model 146, 15″ wide x 6″ tall x 10″ long heat chamber
M Latter, Shrink Tunnel model 146, 15″ wide x 6″ tall x 10″ long heat chamber
Culbro, Tamper Evident Sleeve Applicator & Heat Tunnel, previously used on 16 ounce cottage cheese containers.
...Damark, Shrink Tunnel model STR16, 14″ wide x 6″ high working tunnel opening x 24″ long, live roller conveyor with 5/8″ diameter Polymer cover rollers on 1.5″ centers ...
Heat Seal, Shrink Tunnel model HDT2822/12LDR, high volume single chamber design with variable air velocity control, 9000 watt heating element, unique pre-shrink feature allows for 25% more bottom s...
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