Custom Bag Sealer, impulse type for poly bags, will accommodate bags up to 48″ wide, with pneumatic cylinder actuators
Custom Bag Sealer, impulse type for poly bags, will accommodate bags up to 48″ wide, with pneumatic cylinder actuators
Packaging Machinery, Doboy Bag Sealer model M57APC3918, adjustable head to seal different bag heights, heat seal zone 17.5″ long, 1/4 HP 120 volt, stainless steel/aluminum conveyor 10′ ...
Cintex, 2 Lane Checkweigher model CS4000IQC, twin/side by side 2 chain transfer conveyors, each with independently controlled load cells measuring 3.5″ wide x 13″ long each, 38″ o...
New England, Container Uprighter model NEPD50L, all stainless steel construction, C frame design allows positioning over existing conveyorized container flow, designed for use with smaller volume p...
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