Glatt GPCG Wurster Insert, stainless steel construction, approximately 18″ diameter x 27″ high Wurster section, with manual partition height adjustment, pneumatic bottom plate with top mounted dust filter, swing arm mounted
Glatt GPCG Wurster Insert, stainless steel construction, approximately 18″ diameter x 27″ high Wurster section, with manual partition height adjustment, pneumatic bottom plate with top mounted dust filter, swing arm mounted
Freund, Fluid Bed Dryer model SP100, Spira-Cota coating system complete with 1 meter diameter rotating bed with all stainless steel contact parts, 10 HP pressure fan inlet blower, steam radiator he...
Bowen, Fluid Bed Dryer, stainless steel, 18″ diameter x 4′ bed chamber, lab size, direct gas fired, complete unitized system including 2 HP Buffalo infeed blower, fire box, exhaust to s...
30 cubic foot Gemco, Vacuum Dryer, stainless steel product contact parts, jacketed for hot water, complete with 5 HP 220 volt drive to gear box, mounted on stand complete with rotary joints for vac...
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