Garvens, Checkweigher type SL2PM, 4″ wide x 11″ long scale, rated 1100 gram capacity, digital controls, powered side gripper belt feed & discharge
Garvens, Checkweigher type SL2PM, 4″ wide x 11″ long scale, rated 1100 gram capacity, digital controls, powered side gripper belt feed & discharge
Vibratory Shaker Bed, stainless steel, 30″ wide x 10′ long x 8″ deep sidewalls with open discharge end with flanged connection, all stainless steel bed on 8 spring steel mountings...
Rhein Nadel Automation, 56″ diameter Vibratory Bowl Feeder model SRCN800IL, 10″ deep stainless steel bowl & designed to handle products 3″ wide x 2″ tall, bowl has 37...
Rhein Nadel Automation, Bowl Feeder model SRCN, 32″ diameter stainless steel, formerly running approximately 1″ tall cap, sound deadening enclosure, 220/3 phase controller, 2″ wid...
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