F.J. Stokes, 51 station Rotary Tablet Press model 5521, 4 ton maximum pressure, dual sided, slotted head, lot #TA1677, 7/16″ maximum diameter of compact, 11/16″ maximum depth of fill, dual pre-compression
F.J. Stokes, 51 station Rotary Tablet Press model 5521, 4 ton maximum pressure, dual sided, slotted head, lot #TA1677, 7/16″ maximum diameter of compact, 11/16″ maximum depth of fill, dual pre-compression
Lakso, Fully Automatic Dual Station Cotton model 71, dual cottoning heads, timing screw infeed, 10′ long stainless steel conveyor body, variable speed drive, wired for 440 volt 3 phase servic...
Global Packaging, Tablet Blister Packager, “Medipack Perfecta-I”, high speed, all stainless steel construction with polished pharmaceutical grade finish, 24″ diameter bulk hopper ...
Coating Pan, stainless steel, 1.5 HP motor drive controlled by variable speed control, 36″ diameter drum with 18″ diameter opening, mounted on painted carbon steel frame, requires 230/4...
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