Culbro, Tamper Evident Sleeve Applicator & Heat Tunnel, previously used on 16 ounce cottage cheese containers.
Culbro, Tamper Evident Sleeve Applicator & Heat Tunnel, previously used on 16 ounce cottage cheese containers.
Multi Pack, Stretch or Shrink Bander model F40, product collating, for bundles or single products, 30″ long side belt infeed conveyor with 90 degree rotating function, elevating table to coll...
Creative Package Machinery Inc., Heat Shrink Tunnel model 3224, 30″ wide x 70″ long conveyor, 2′ tall heat chamber, temperature control & conveyor speed control, 220 volt 3 p...
Weldotron, Shrink Tunnel model 7141, 16″ wide x 8″ long opening size, belt is made of stainless steel wire & variable speed, 60″ long zone heating area with 2 separate fans, ...
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