Chase Industries, Heat Shrink Tunnel, carbon steel, 1/4 HP 240 volt single phase motor for conveyor, roller conveyor 1/2″ diameter rollers, 18″ wide x 50″ long, 40″ long x 23″ wide x 9″ tall heating area
Chase Industries, Heat Shrink Tunnel, carbon steel, 1/4 HP 240 volt single phase motor for conveyor, roller conveyor 1/2″ diameter rollers, 18″ wide x 50″ long, 40″ long x 23″ wide x 9″ tall heating area
Preferred Packaging, Heat Shrink Tunnel model PP180844, 10″ tall x 13″ wide x 5″ long chamber less belt, heat controller, start/stop & conveyor speed controls, tunnel 220 vol...
Weldotron, Shrink Tunnel model 7141, 16″ wide x 8″ long opening size, belt is made of stainless steel wire & variable speed, 60″ long zone heating area with 2 separate fans, ...
MiniPack, Semi Automatic L Sealer/Shrink Tunnel Packaging Machine model FM76SCA, 16″ x 22″ sealing bar & shrink hood combination, 208/3 phase, 4400 watts, mounted in factory stand w...
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