SPX Flow stainless steel Butter Whipper, nitrogen mixing, 6,000 pounds per hour, 7.5 HP, with Siemens touch panel.
SPX Flow stainless steel Butter Whipper, nitrogen mixing, 6,000 pounds per hour, 7.5 HP, with Siemens touch panel.
8 gallon Butter Churn, stainless steel, variable frequency drive to adjust different speeds, removable paddle & rounded edges, adjustable angles for draining & washing, plugs into 110 volt ...
65 gallon Butter Churn, 304 stainless steel, drum size 139 gallon curved baffles, 0-40 RPM speed, 32″ diameter x 40″ long, 10 gauge thickness stainless VFD control, 20 Amp, 240 Vac, sin...
100 gallon Butter Churn Bcast Stainless Products, 304 stainless, cylindrical, manway, site glass, tri clamp outlet with butterfly valve for whey, interior baffles, brake motor, on an A frame constr...
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