AutoProd, Rotary Cup Filler model RO-A7, stainless steel, suitable for parts only.
AutoProd, Rotary Cup Filler model RO-A7, stainless steel, suitable for parts only.
Osgood Industries Inc., 6 lane Inline Continuous Motion Atmospheric Cup Filler & Induction Sealer model 6100, stainless steel contact parts, 2 piston type filling heads per lane for 2 part fill...
Holmatic, model PR1 Cup Filler, sinlge lane stainless steel, 5″ maximum container diameter, 6″ maximum container height, up to 3,000 cups per hour or about 50 cups per minute.
...Rutherford Akra Pak, Dual Piston Filler, Cup, Lidder model OSF64B, filler capable of filling 14 ounce & 20 ounce cups or tubs, complete with shuttle, vertical cup dropper & lid placer dua...
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