AMPAK, Rotary Tub Filling Machine 8 Pocket, with piston type filler, with film cover system. Last used in a Boutique soup & ramen facility. In good working condition.
AMPAK, Rotary Tub Filling Machine 8 Pocket, with piston type filler, with film cover system. Last used in a Boutique soup & ramen facility. In good working condition.
Osgood Industries Inc., 6 lane Inline Continuous Motion Atmospheric Cup Filler & Induction Sealer model 6100, stainless steel contact parts, 2 piston type filling heads per lane for 2 part fill...
AutoProd, Rotary Cup Filler model RO-A7, stainless steel, suitable for parts only.
...Motion Pack, Inline Cup Filler, 2 lane, fills 6 ounce cups, dispenses lids & cups, seals with pre-cut foil, 4 head fill system with controls, on casters, 11′ long x 3′ wide x 7R...
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