90 gallon Batch Tank, stainless steel, 32″ diameter x 29″ deep, dual handles, rolled brim, top/bottom reinforcing ring/skirt with tied side supports (#16)
90 gallon Batch Tank, stainless steel, 32″ diameter x 29″ deep, dual handles, rolled brim, top/bottom reinforcing ring/skirt with tied side supports (#16)
200 gallon Chempak, Dome Top Tank, stainless steel, single shell, with manhole, dish bottom with 1″ center bottom outlet, 41″ diameter x 69″ high, mounted on mild steel frame.
...150 gallon Mix Tank model CPCN-26-Y, stainless steel, flat bottom, closed top with hinged door, mixing blades 3″ x 12″ x 1/4″ thick, (1) 1″ top flange opening, 4″, 3...
840 gallon Storage Tank, vertical, stainless steel, 57″ diameter x 7′ straight side, flat bottom & open top, 5 HP, 208/230/460 volt, 1725 RPM motor for agitation, 1.5″ side b...
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