875 gallon Tank, stainless steel, with 4 side baffles, 75″ diameter x 46″ deep, flat top with hinged lids, 2″ side bottom outlet
875 gallon Tank, stainless steel, with 4 side baffles, 75″ diameter x 46″ deep, flat top with hinged lids, 2″ side bottom outlet
200 gallon Chempak, Dome Top Tank, stainless steel, single shell, with manhole, dish bottom with 1″ center bottom outlet, 41″ diameter x 69″ high, mounted on mild steel frame.
...30 gallon Tank, stainless steel, 21.5″ diameter x 21″ deep, with various inlets & outlets, center bottom discharge, on platform with casters
...500 gallon Walker, Tank model 1703, single shell, closed top, flat pitched bottom, 316L stainless steel, Lightnin agitation, 3″ ANSI flange outlet, top entering manway, drawing #SP11428C, cam...
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