800 gallon Sunset, all stainless steel insulated storage tank, Farm tank with no refrigeration jacket, round with top manhole
800 gallon Sunset, all stainless steel insulated storage tank, Farm tank with no refrigeration jacket, round with top manhole
200 gallon DariKool, Refrigerated Heated Bulk Tank model DUO-VAT, rectangular, stainless steel exterior, bridge & cover top, vertical agitator, 1.5″ #15 outlet, Freon refrigeration/steam...
300 gallon Mueller, Farm Tank model M, open top, stainless steel, top agitator, 1.5″ valve, single cooling plate R12, 2 HP single phase compressor, 51″ wide x 78″ long x 40″...
1,000 gallon Zero, Bulk Farm Tank model OL1000, stainless steel, refrigerated, horizontal cylindrical, top manway, 2 vertical agitators, 1.5″ threaded outlet, caliber, Freon coldwall, 54̸...
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