800 gallon DCI, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, dome top, cone bottom, wide & side sweep agitator, sprayball, 4′ clamp outlet, 62″ outer diameter x 153″ overall height x 127″ dump rail height.
800 gallon DCI, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, dome top, cone bottom, wide & side sweep agitator, sprayball, 4′ clamp outlet, 62″ outer diameter x 153″ overall height x 127″ dump rail height.
25 gallon Open Top Tank, cone bottom, single shell, vertical, stainless steel, 24″ diameter x 17″ deep x 54″ high, on stainless steel legs, 1/2″ clamp, center bottom drain, ...
40 gallon Morfab, Dual Tank Receiver, stainless steel, on 3 stainless steel legs, sanitary, 32″ diameter x 12″ straight side x 18″ cone bottom, discharging into top center of seco...
350 gallon Bistol Metal Products, Tank, stainless steel, 36″ diameter x 80″ straight side x 9″ cone bottom, open top, cone bottom has 8″ flanged center discharge that is red...
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