80 gallon Insulated Tank, stainless steel, open top, single piece lift cover, 32″ OD x 25″ ID x 28″ deep x 38″ high, 1.5″ bevel seat outlet, can be used for sanitary
80 gallon Insulated Tank, stainless steel, open top, single piece lift cover, 32″ OD x 25″ ID x 28″ deep x 38″ high, 1.5″ bevel seat outlet, can be used for sanitary
200 gallon Crepaco, Batch Weigh System, single weigh tank, single electronic tension type load cell & mild steel support structure, sprayball, less control package
...300 gallon Langsekamp, Insulated Heating Tank, food grade all stainless steel construction with polished finish, 42″ diameter x 48″ straight side, dish top & bottom with 3″ ce...
600 gallon Crepaco, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, dome top, wide & side sweep agitator with baffle, sprayball, 2″ stainless valve, sanitary interior bottom head weld seam patch
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