80 gallon Insulated Tank, stainless steel, open top, single piece lift cover, 32″ OD x 25″ ID x 28″ deep x 38″ high, 1.5″ bevel seat outlet, can be used for sanitary
80 gallon Insulated Tank, stainless steel, open top, single piece lift cover, 32″ OD x 25″ ID x 28″ deep x 38″ high, 1.5″ bevel seat outlet, can be used for sanitary
65 gallon Klenzade Aid, Mixing Skid Tank, vertical rectangular, flat top, flat bottom, 304 stainless steel exterior, 2″ tri clamp connections outlet
...650 gallon Kennedy, Insulated Tank, stainless steel, 4.5′ diameter x 5.5′ high, top mounted Chemineer 1/2 HP agitator with 1725 RPM & gear reducer for a final RPM of 430, flat top &...
400 gallon Chester Jensen, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, stainless steel, bridge & cover top, cone bottom, 316L product contact surface, wide bottom sweep agitator 3 HP, baffle, 3″ clam...
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