80 cubic foot Custom Powder Systems, stainless steel tote tanks, 4’6″ x 4’6″ x 18″ T/T with 5’2″ deep cone. 29″ x 8″ discharge with dump type door. 105″ OAH. 316 stainless steel. Drawing on file. Stackable. Sanitary. 600 gallon.
80 cubic foot Custom Powder Systems, stainless steel tote tanks, 4’6″ x 4’6″ x 18″ T/T with 5’2″ deep cone. 29″ x 8″ discharge with dump type door. 105″ OAH. 316 stainless steel. Drawing on file. Stackable. Sanitary. 600 gallon.
13 gallon Walker, Mix Tank, dome top, cone bottom, vertical, cylindrical shape, 1″ tri clamp outlet, stainless steel exterior, 77″ high x 29″ wide x 29″ long overall dimensi...
124.4 cubic foot total capacity Bulk Solids Receiver Bin, stainless steel, 60″ diameter x 66″ straight side, 36″ deep with 45 degree cone bottom, 6.5″ center bottom outlet w...
75 cubic foot American Process, Bulk Solids Bin, all stainless steel construction, 48″ diameter x 60″ straight side x 36″ deep 60 degree cone bottom, 8″ bottom outlet with 1...
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