700 gallon stainless steel jacketed tank, side manway, (2) thermowells, sight tube, test port, jacketed top half of tank only, previously used with Glycol, 1.5″ outlet, 62″ diameter x 80″ high
700 gallon stainless steel jacketed tank, side manway, (2) thermowells, sight tube, test port, jacketed top half of tank only, previously used with Glycol, 1.5″ outlet, 62″ diameter x 80″ high
1,970 gallon Mitter Night Boiler Works, Mix Tank, 304 stainless steel, 2″ internal coil that circles tank 4 times about 1/3 the way up tank, coil is rated 100 PSI at 200 degree F (tank is mis...
125 gallon Jacketed Tank, stainless steel, closed top, 32″ diameter x 36″ straight side x 6″ dished heads, full jacket, 3 steel legs, no jacket rating, top opening accepting 7R...
60 gallon Jacketed Tank, open top, stainless steel, jacket non-rated & equipped with 2.5″ NPT fitting for electric bayonet heater in base of jacket, 3 lifting lugs mounted to outside, fu...
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