600 gallon Alloy Products, Jacketed Tank model 7754, stainless steel, vertical, 5′ 6″ diameter x 4′ T/T, open top, slant bottom, jacket rated 100 PSI (jacket condition unknown), come with anchor type agitator
600 gallon Alloy Products, Jacketed Tank model 7754, stainless steel, vertical, 5′ 6″ diameter x 4′ T/T, open top, slant bottom, jacket rated 100 PSI (jacket condition unknown), come with anchor type agitator
200 gallon Crepaco, Batch Weigh System, single weigh tank, single electronic tension type load cell & mild steel support structure, sprayball, less control package
...1,000 gallon Crepaco, Mix & Blend Tank, dome top, dish bottom, single shell, squirrel cage agitation, sprayball, bottom head jacketed & insulated, 2″ clamp outlet.
...1,000 liter Luwa, Portable Tote, stainless steel, vertical, 38″ diameter x 44″ T/T, cone bottom, forklift slots, 15 PSI working pressure, approximate 2″ outlet, previously used in...
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