60 cubic foot Tote Systems, Powder Tote, 316 stainless steel construction, reference #TS-886, forklift able & designed square with rounded corners, powder valves, 44″ L x 50″ D x 40″ straight side x 36″ cone, 84″ overall height
60 cubic foot Tote Systems, Powder Tote, 316 stainless steel construction, reference #TS-886, forklift able & designed square with rounded corners, powder valves, 44″ L x 50″ D x 40″ straight side x 36″ cone, 84″ overall height
Trough, stainless steel, 12″ wide x 10′ long x 14″ deep with stainless steel frame
...35 gallon Supply Tank, rectangular, stainless steel sanitary, 12″ x 25″ x 24″ deep, upper & lower float switches, side sight glass, side inlet with 2″ tri clamp connect...
1,260 gallon OHI, Tank, stainless steel, rectangular, 4′ wide x 6′ long x 7′ deep, single wall, (2) 4″ end bottom outlets, (1) 6″ over flow pipe
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