6/100 gallon Mueller multicompartment tank, dome top insulated mix and blend, mix agitation. Sprayball. 2″ clamp outlets, 139″ W x 46″ d x 54″ drh.
6/100 gallon Mueller multicompartment tank, dome top insulated mix and blend, mix agitation. Sprayball. 2″ clamp outlets, 139″ W x 46″ d x 54″ drh.
2/200 gallon Cherry Burrell, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, 2 compartment, enclosed rear with 2/3 front lift top cover, mix type agitation, 1.5″ clamp outlet, 40″ long x 76″ wide...
2/300 gallon Cherry Burrell, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank model B, 2 compartment, rectangular, vertical agitators, closed top with hinged cover, 2″ #15 top ports, 2″ clamp outlets, st...
165 gallon Multicompartment Tank, stainless steel 1 compartment 110 gallon 41″ long x 23″ wide x 28″ deep, one 55 gallon 21″ long x 23″ wide x 28″ deep, overall ...
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