5,000 gallon Mueller, Insulated Silo Tank model SV, vertical, stainless steel alcove, CIP vent overflow lines stainless steel, 3″ inlet, 2″ outlet, 104″ diameter x 17′ 6″ long, interior vacuum damage, non sanitary
5,000 gallon Mueller, Insulated Silo Tank model SV, vertical, stainless steel alcove, CIP vent overflow lines stainless steel, 3″ inlet, 2″ outlet, 104″ diameter x 17′ 6″ long, interior vacuum damage, non sanitary
300 gallon Langsekamp, Insulated Heating Tank, food grade all stainless steel construction with polished finish, 42″ diameter x 48″ straight side, dish top & bottom with 3″ ce...
65 gallon Klenzade Aid, Mixing Skid Tank, vertical rectangular, flat top, flat bottom, 304 stainless steel exterior, 2″ tri clamp connections outlet
...600 gallon Sani-Tank, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, with center bridge lift top covers, super mixer agitation, 2.5″ clamp outlet, flat bottom, 69″ long x 73″ wide x 82″ h...
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