5,000 gallon Mueller, Insulated Silo Tank model SV, vertical, stainless steel alcove, CIP vent overflow lines stainless steel, 3″ inlet, 2″ outlet, 104″ diameter x 17′ 6″ long, interior vacuum damage, non sanitary
5,000 gallon Mueller, Insulated Silo Tank model SV, vertical, stainless steel alcove, CIP vent overflow lines stainless steel, 3″ inlet, 2″ outlet, 104″ diameter x 17′ 6″ long, interior vacuum damage, non sanitary
3,000 gallon Bcast Stainless Products, Insulated Storage Tank, vertical cylindrical, 304 stainless steel with #4 finish, 4mm thick, all welds ground & polished to US 3A standards, 304 exterior...
65 gallon Klenzade Aid, Mixing Skid Tank, vertical rectangular, flat top, flat bottom, 304 stainless steel exterior, 2″ tri clamp connections outlet
...2,500 gallon Bcast Stainless Products, Insulated Storage Tank, vertical cylindrical, 304 stainless steel with #4 finish, 4mm thick, all welds ground & polished to US 3A standards, 304 exterior...
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