500 gallon stainless steel CIP tank, flat to with half hinged cover, slope bottom, 2.5″ outlet, on SS legs, 48″ diameter x 64″ tall
500 gallon stainless steel CIP tank, flat to with half hinged cover, slope bottom, 2.5″ outlet, on SS legs, 48″ diameter x 64″ tall
150 gallon CIP System, self contained, stainless steel, square tank 31″ long x 31″ wide x 32″ deep, control panel with 2 recorders, Reliance pump 7.5 HP 3480 RPM 3 phase 60 hertz,...
400 gallon CIP Tank, electrically heated, 2.5″ SMS threaded outlet
...350 gallon total capacity CIP Tank, 2 compartment, rectangular, flat bottom, first compartment 4′ long x 33″ wide, second compartment 2′ long x 33″ wide x 39″ deep
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