450 gallon Jacketed Tank, stainless steel, 4′ 4″ x 4′ 4″, dished top/bottom, jacketed for water, 16″ manway top, side mounted agitator, less drive
450 gallon Jacketed Tank, stainless steel, 4′ 4″ x 4′ 4″, dished top/bottom, jacketed for water, 16″ manway top, side mounted agitator, less drive
125 gallon Jacketed Tank, stainless steel, closed top, 32″ diameter x 36″ straight side x 6″ dished heads, full jacket, 3 steel legs, no jacket rating, top opening accepting 7R...
600 gallon Hauni, Insulated Tank, stainless steel, vertical, low pressure jacket rated at 21.7 PSI at 248 degree F, 1.5 HP agitator on flat top, dish bottom, 62.5″ diameter x 46″ straig...
50 gallon Bcast, Jacketed Tank, with 1 cooling zone, dish bottom, open top with insulated lid, on stainless steel legs.
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