400 gallon Mueller, Bulk Tank model V, horizontal oval, dimpled jacket, stainless steel exterior, 1.5″ tri clamp outlet, manhole, 48″ high x 40″ wide x 113″ long, double opening
400 gallon Mueller, Bulk Tank model V, horizontal oval, dimpled jacket, stainless steel exterior, 1.5″ tri clamp outlet, manhole, 48″ high x 40″ wide x 113″ long, double opening
1,000 gallon Mueller, Farm Tank model O, stainless steel, round, manway, standard agitator, caliber, 2″ tri clamp outlet, 230 volt, 1.9 amp, 60 cycle, R-12, 108″ long x 80″ wide, ...
1,250 gallon Chester Jensen, Bulk Farm Tank, refrigerated, rectangular horizontal, stainless steel, closed top with hinged manway, vertical agitator, 2″ outlet, 1-1/4″ thermowell, Freon...
800 gallon Zero, Farm Tank Model YOL-800, includes chart, stick, no compressor, 96″ long x 54″ wide, round with manhole
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