40 gallon Groen, Tilting Stainless Steel Jacketed Steam Mix Kettle Model D-40, 26″ Diameter x 22″ Deep, with a Stainless steel hinged top lid.
40 gallon Groen, Tilting Stainless Steel Jacketed Steam Mix Kettle Model D-40, 26″ Diameter x 22″ Deep, with a Stainless steel hinged top lid.
20 gallon Groen, Kettle model D10, stainless steel exterior, open top, 40 PSI rated jacket, 20″ diameter x 19″ deep x 38″ high, tilt design, crank handle needs to be replaced (wil...
80 gallon Lee, Double Motion Scrape Agitated Kettle, 2.5″ bottom outlet, stainless steel product contact, mild steel frame, tilt out agitator, gear head motor drive, 90 PSI jacket, code stamp...
100 gallon Lee, Inclined Kettle, all stainless steel, stainless steel jacket rated 125 PSI at 650 degree F, hydro tested at 250 PSI, National Board stamped, vessel trunion mounted in carbon steel A...
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