4 cubic foot Tote Bin, stainless steel construction, approximate 22″ diameter x 17″ cone bottom, 12″ top access with 1.5″ top nozzle, 8″ bottom outlet, on legs
4 cubic foot Tote Bin, stainless steel construction, approximate 22″ diameter x 17″ cone bottom, 12″ top access with 1.5″ top nozzle, 8″ bottom outlet, on legs
9.5 cubic foot B&G, Tote, stainless steel construction, approximately 32″ diameter x 14″ straight side x 20″ cone bottom, 18″ top port, 1″ top nozzle, 8″ bo...
124.4 cubic foot total capacity Bulk Solids Receiver Bin, stainless steel, 60″ diameter x 66″ straight side, 36″ deep with 45 degree cone bottom, 6.5″ center bottom outlet w...
135 gallon Tank, single shell, cone bottom, 47″ diameter 13″ deep x 84″ high on stainless steel legs, rectangular outlet, scrape agitation, last used as process cheese surge tank<...
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