315 gallon Perma San model JOVC open top, dish bottom, Pressure Wall processor, no agitation, 2 piece hinged covers, 2″ outlet, 55 PSI jacket on bottom and 50% of sidewall, stainless steel legs with casters, 48″ diameter x 66″ high
315 gallon Perma San model JOVC open top, dish bottom, Pressure Wall processor, no agitation, 2 piece hinged covers, 2″ outlet, 55 PSI jacket on bottom and 50% of sidewall, stainless steel legs with casters, 48″ diameter x 66″ high
200 gallon Cherry Burrell, Processor, stainless steel, 2/3 jacketed, dome top with manway, dish bottom, mix type agitator, (2) 2.5″ inlets, 2″ bottom side outlet, 13″ outlet heigh...
250 gallon Chester Jensen, Pressure Wall Processor model SP250, open top, hinged cover with 6″ inspection port, cone bottom, less agitation, 2.5″ center bottom outlet, approximately 14&...
100 gallon Mueller, Jacketed Processor, open top, dish bottom with 1″ MNPT outlet, un-insulated side pressure wall surface.
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