300 gallon Mueller, Dimple Jacketed Tank, vertical, stainless steel, 48” diameter x 36” deep, slope bottom to 2” flanged side bottom outlet, 150 PSI rated, 3/4 jacketed, open top no cover
300 gallon Mueller, Dimple Jacketed Tank, vertical, stainless steel, 48” diameter x 36” deep, slope bottom to 2” flanged side bottom outlet, 150 PSI rated, 3/4 jacketed, open top no cover
475 gallon Tank, stainless steel, 4′ diameter x 5′ straight height with dish bottom & flat top, lug mounted, 4′ straight height, carbon steel jacket.
...750 gallon Alloy Fab, Dimple Jacketed Mix Tank, 316 stainless steel, rated 50 PSI internal & 150 PSI jacket, dimple jacket on straight side only, jacket on bottom head is not functional, Chemin...
250 gallon Jacketed Mix Tank, vertical, 42″ diameter x 42″ deep, dish bottom with 1″ outlet, 1/3 jacketed, bottom stainless steel stationary steam coil, stainless steel top cover,...
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